Behind The Scenes
Ending Cancer: Pelotonia 2024 Campaign Launch

By Joe Apgar|February 14, 2024

Pelotonia 2024 is launching soon, and there is a lot to be excited about. This community has so much momentum.  
Each year kicks off with a new arrow, theme and creative campaign to support your fundraising efforts and rally together as a community of tens of thousands of Riders, Challengers, and Volunteers committed to accelerating innovative cancer research at the OSUCCC-James. 
This year's campaign introduces an evolved tagline: Ending Cancer. 
Since the first Ride in 2009, you’ve been focused on a singular goal. The challenge the Pelotonia community has been working toward is to end cancer. This remains the mission, and the remarkable thing about Pelotonia is that it's working. The research funded by the Pelotonia community is powering significant scientific advancements and breakthrough discoveries in cancer research that are extending and saving lives.  
Ending Cancer is more than a goal. It’s the real, tangible progress that the Pelotonia community is fueling. This phrase is simple yet it means so much. It means that we’re actively doing it. It’s no longer a faraway goal with an unclear path on how to get there. That’s because of the unwavering commitment, tireless efforts, and uniquely compounding impact of the Pelotonia community. It’s because of YOU. 
The 2024 Pelotonia arrow features a gradient glow. 
The arrow has become a unifying symbol. It represents motion, action, and progress. It reminds the world: Together, we move forward toward our mission of Ending Cancer. Embraced by the Pelotonia community, the arrow is painted on barns along ride routes and tattooed on the arms and legs of Participants. 
This year’s arrow features a gradient of green that flows lighter to darker from left to right, representing that the work and progress is ongoing. The artistic glow aims to convey hope, optimism, and positivity. It captures the spirit of Pelotonia with a simple, intentional design element.  
Core to the Pelotonia brand, the 2024 campaign uses shades of green.
From the signature, vibrant Pelotonia green to the additions of dark green and mint green to the brand palette, the campaign creative incorporates various shades of the color green.  
Through the years, Pelotonia campaigns have included new colors tied to the annual theme. As this year’s campaign theme is a simple yet significant evolution of the idea that Pelotonia was founded on, the colors intentionally center green, which has been central to the Pelotonia brand identity from the start.
Watch and share the 2024 Campaign Launch Video here.
2024 is going to be one of the best years yet for this movement because of you, the Pelotonia community. This campaign reinforces commitment to the Pelotonia mission of Ending Cancer while celebrating progress that is saving lives. But there is still work to do.  
Join us in Ending Cancer by participating in Pelotonia 2024. Registration opens February 29! 
Joe Apgar 
Cancer Survivor 
Pelotonia CEO 

Pelotonia 2024 Key Dates
  • Registration Opens: February 29 at noon EST  
  • Opening Ceremony: August 2 
  • Ride Weekend: August 3-4 
  • Gravel Day: September 21 
You can access the 2024 community asset kit for resources to share the new campaign elements in your fundraising communications and on social media here.  
2024 car magnets and yard signs are now available for pickup at Pelotonia HQ!
100% of participant-raised funds go to innovative cancer research.

450 W. Broad Street, Columbus, OH | 614.221.6100

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