Behind The Scenes
2024 Rider & Volunteer Information Sessions

By The Pelotonia Team|April 12, 2024

Want to learn more about Riding and Volunteering in Gravel Day? Join our Information sessions happening in the next few weeks. Click the Zoom links below to register for each session!

Gravel Day Rider Orientation Sessions:

Our second annual Gravel Day event is almost here! Join us as the Pelotonia team shares all of the event details that you need to know.
Wednesday, September 11 | 4-5pm EST

Gravel Day Volunteer Orientation Sessions:

Join the Pelotonia Team as they help you prepare to have the best volunteer experience possible.
Friday, September 13 | 12-1pm EST
100% of participant-raised funds go to innovative cancer research.

450 W. Broad Street, Columbus, OH | 614.221.6100

© 2024 Pelotonia. All rights reserved.

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